Sunday, October 16, 2011


I have always been very blessed my whole life with wonderful friends.
Friends that I can laugh all day with, ones that I can just call and cry to, and some that help me and encourage me in every way possible. And the thought of leaving them was dreadful. But almost 3 months ago I had to. Boy was it hard! And still VERY hard!
When we for sure planned that we were moving, to be honest I was very upset. I didn't want to leave the life I new for something I had no idea about. I didn't want to give up/or put on hold friendships that I have had my whole life. But whether I liked it or not that was the path my family was going down. The last few months I was in the states I really took every chance I could to spend a lot of time with my friends. Those were very precious moments that were so much fun and I will never forget.
Because of my age and where I am in my life I was very worried that I was not going to have friends.
The first few weeks here were very lonely, and to be honest I was getting angry. I thought if this is how its going to be I am going to be miserable this whole six months!
I think it was about the second or third day of school when a mother of a student introduced her son and her son's friend. They were funny and very nice to me and for once I felt like "Wow, I might actually fit in here!" That was the first time I had had a conversation with someone my age! It was great! I went home so happy!
That next week I started to volunteer at the school, and the teachers just included me right away! I was so happy! There are a group of teachers that are awesome and I just love hanging out with them!
One of the teachers there, Lauren, is the one that I have gotten to know the best! She has adopted me like her little sister! She is very funny, sweet, nice, and even though I am 4 years younger that doesn't matter she treats me just the same! I LOVE THAT!!! We hang out a few times a week and It is just so much fun! I am REALLY going to miss her!!!!!!
Because of volunteering at the school you get to know a lot of families very well. There is one family that I have gotten to know very well. They have two kids here, Abby and Jordan. Jordan is the same age as me and Abby is a year younger. They are both vey funny and a lot of fun! I can talk to both of them forever and they are just some pretty cool people! I am so happy I met Abby. We have so much in common and just have so much fun together. We call each other our long lost sisters!! :) I am going to miss that family VERY much!
There are a lot more people that I could say and talk about how much of a blessing they are but those are just a few!
I am so blessed and thankful. The time I have had here and will continue to have is precious and very valuable and I am so thankful I have wonderful friends here to share it with!
Thank you guys! You have helped make these months some of the the best months of my life! I will never forget you! I will miss you very much when I leave!
And Thank you friends back in Tennessee! You have helped me get through so much!=]
Once again, I am blessed! :D

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