Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life in Asia

Two years ago we were planning on moving to Asia. Two months ago we left for Southeast Asia, and the adventures began.

Fact number one, saying goodbyes suck. End of story. I am so thankful that i have such a close family but man has it been hard being away. 
Fact number two,  22 hours in a plane is so exhausting.
Fact number three, I was so glad we finally arrived.

As soon as you step off the plane its culture shock. In case you didn't know not very many people speak English in Asia so it makes for a very stressful adventure. 
Asia is beautiful. It is very different from America, but none the less very amazing. 
The scenery in every area is unique, you never get bored looking out the window.
I remember the first night we arrived, going to sleep was impossible. Me and my brothers talked night and guessed about what was to come. 
That next morning my brothers and I were so anxious to go out, shop and explore.
We were not yet in our final destination but we still had an idea of what was to come. 
A few days later we then arrived to a nearby city of where we would be living, about one hour away. 
That was BIG culture shock. 
One thing though i will never forget is the people that met us to pick us up from the airport immediately treated us like family. They had the biggest smiles and were so sweet to us.
Straight from the airport we went to Pak Chio. It was really good! 
Then we arrived at the guest house. Now i forgot to mention one thing. I hate lizards, and where we are living there are lizards everywhere and i am not exaggerating. The lizards are in your house too. I walked in and saw one on the wall and about died. Now i am so used to them being on the walls i don't freak out like i used to.
The first week was very long. It was hard to sleep and the people say they understand you but in reality they have no clue. By the end of it i was ready to go home. 
One cool thing is i got to have my 18th birthday in Asia which not many people can say! =] 
Now since we moved here alone, we had to find a house. Finding a house is a whole lot different than looking for one in the states. How the process goes is, you go tour the house and say how long you want to rent it then you pay and its yours. Seems simple right? Well for some reason it took forever. Since my brothers were starting school soon we had to find one ASAP! Guess what! We found one finally and moved in ONE day before my brothers started school. Cutting it close right! 
Since i graduated high school in the spring, i will only be here for a short time. So i was left to decide how i wanted to spend my time here, learning language or something. When i return home i will be going to college to be a Teacher. So i thought, Hey, why not ask and see if i can volunteer at the school! 
They said yes! I can not even begin to describe how much i love it and how much it has made me love this city! I work there everyday from 7:40-3:00! I help all over: 1st grade, P.E. , 6th grade math, and 2nd grade! It has been such a blessing and has definitely made me want to be a Teacher more and more!
I have also gotten a babysitting job that happens a few days a week, and that has been good! Needless to say i try to stay busy!

That was definitely very very shortened version of my time here so far but if i told you everything we would be here all day. 

A few last comments i would like to make about what i have learned. 

1. I do not know what i would do without my brothers. With out them this journey would be very different. I have gotten to bond and become so much closer with them and it is just so awesome. As i am getting closer and closer to leaving, i am realizing that i will not be there to watch them grow up and it breaks my heart. I have two wonderful and handsome brothers that are so amazing. I can not wait and see the growth and their stories as they grow up. I am really really really really going to miss them.

2. I never realized how much pressure i put on my parents till now. I always had a bad attitude about moving and even though it has not been easy, It has definitely changed my life for the better! So thank you for putting up with me! LOVE YOU!

3. I am so thankful for skype. Even though i am halfway around the world from my friends and family i have been able to keep in contact. I have gotten to see two new cousins and talk to my best friends to keep our friendships going strong and talk to family members, Oh how i love seeing their faces!

WELL... I think that is all for now! =] 
Thank you for letting me share!
Love you guys! 

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